Spicy Tiger

1 oz Mamajuana Spicy
0.5 oz Cayenne pepper seed syrup
0.5 oz Passion fruit juice
Sparkling wine
Glassware: Flute Cup
Garnish: Frost with Himalayan Salt on the rim of the glass and sage leaf wrapped in Cherry Maraschino and grasped with a bamboo stick.
150 g cayenne pepper seeds
1 lb of sugar
16 oz or 24 oz container, depending on the desired strength.
Take 16 oz container and fill with water at room temperature. Pour water into a pot, with a lid, and bring it to a boiling point. Add the cayenne pepper seeds and sugar, preferably white, and stir until completely dissolved. Turn off the heat and let it stand until it reaches room temperature. Store in the fridge.
Instructions for passion fruit juice:
Take the fruit and extract its pulp until you reach the desired amount. Then liquefy at slow speed without crushing the seeds. Strain and preserve the juice without adding sugar or water.
Instructions for Cocktail:
Frost the flute glass, first dipping the edge of it with lemon juice and then with Himalayan Salt. Pour the first three ingredients, in a 22 oz glass container with a lid, taking a shot glass as a measuring instrument. Add ice and shake vigorously for 8 seconds. In the flute glass, pour the mixture, holding the ice in the glass jar with a small strainer and complete with the sparkling wine. Finally decorate with a skewer of sage and Maraschino Cherry or red cherry as an option.